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Snake Plant

Price KSh 348.00
Availability: 9 In Stock
One of the toughest houseplants, snake plant can tolerate most indoor conditions. With its stately upright foliage that almost looks artificial, the snake plant—also called mother-in-law’s tongue—adds great architectural form to a room and complements all styles of decor.

Rubber Plant

Price KSh 1,392.00
Availability: 10 In Stock

The rubber plant gets its name from the white latex coursing through its veins, which was once used to make rubber. Even its handsome, glossy leaves have a thick, rubber-like look.

In its native habitat in southern parts of Asia, this plant can grow as tall as 60 metres, with its trunk getting as thick as two metres in diameter. It won’t get anywhere near as lofty as that indoors, thankfully.

Give it all the care it needs - don’t forget it loves a regular misting - and you’ll be rewarded with a striking plant that will be a focal point in any room. It likes a medium level of light and watering only when the top two inches of soil are dry. It will also appreciate a feed with liquid fertiliser once per month in spring and summer.

Rose Flower

Price KSh 406.00
Availability: Out of stock
Roses are known for their enchanting beauty and are one of the most popular flowers.The red rose has come to be the ultimate symbol/gift to express romantic love and Bravery.

What makes it special:
  • One of the best flowering plants
  • Provide year-round flowering.
  • Perfect plant for outdoor garden and sunny balcony.
  • Red rose is considered as a symbol of love, passion, beauty, courage and respect.
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