The iconic CONE fibreglass pot/planter for planting live/artificial flowers is inspired by the cone designs. It is very unique and comes in different colours for custom orders
The Stapelia Variegata, Crassula Tetragona and Jelly Bean plants are happily growing together in this unique pot, decourated with matches that were painted brown and dry brushed with gold. The ribbon and center piece bring an interesting touch to this piece.
This unique recycled container with 4 small Graptopetalum Macdougallii, rounded off with small red stones, makes for a darling piece in ones collection of succulents or a fantastic gift to a special friend or loved one.
A tropical sculptural herbaceous perennial plant that works well in containers but must be brought inside during cold winters. Works well as a houseplant. Desired for its unusual inflorescence and attractive foliage. Look for the purple underside of the leaf and the unusual bract-enclosed flowers to distinguish this plant from bromeliads.
Plant in a peat-based potting soil and give it plenty of bright light. If kept outdoors in the summer provide it with afternoon shade. Allow the top 1-2 inches to dry out between waterings and cut back on the water during the winter months.